Manual Therapy
A hands-on approach to assess, diagnose and treat muscles, joints, nerves and fascia using various techniques to help restore function and ease of motion. Manual therapy techniques may include myofascial release, spinal manipulation, and joint, nerve and soft tissue mobilization. It can be beneficial in therapy to treat joint pain and stiffness, headaches, nerve entrapments, and much more.
Active Release Therapy (ART)
ART is a patented soft tissue technique that can be utilized to treat problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. Novice to elite athletes find relief from nagging overuse injuries such as tendonitis, muscle strain, and joint pain. ART is also used to treat rotator cuff injuries, back pain, knee pain, and plantar fasciitis and many more conditions.
Exercise Prescription
Exercise is medicine! We believe in client-centred care where each patient is given a personalized exercise program that reflects their specific injuries or movement goals – from pre/post surgical care to training for your next race.
Sports Rehabilitation
Whether it is an acute injury, or repetitive strain/overuse injury, the team at Function101 can help for early and safe return to sport to get you back in the game while helping to prevent injury reoccurrence and decrease the incidence of injury/aches/pains.
Acupuncture/Dry Needling
Acupuncture involves stimulating specific meridian and myofascial points with thin, sterile needles to help decrease pain, reduce muscle tension and relieve acute/chronic pain. Dry Needling is a treatment technique that involves targeting specific trigger points – tight bands and tender spots in muscles – to help the shortened muscle to relax, loosen, and function better.
Custom-cast Orthotics
From preventative treatments for pain and discomfort, to corrective care for balance and mobility issues, our chiropodist can identify and improve health problems from the ankle down. We offer custom-cast orthotics that are thin enough to fit different shoes. By effectively balancing the feet and restoring proper function, custom orthotics can provide relief of common foot ailments, as well as foot-related symptoms of stress in the ankles, knees, hips, back and neck.
Compression Socks + Bracing
We are proud to be partnering with Bauerfeind for all your bracing needs, both for performance in sport and comfort . Compression socks range from custom medical-grade compression stockings (20-30mmHg) to non-medical grade compression (15-20mmHg). We supply over the counter knee braces, ankle braces, wrist braces, as well as custom knee braces.
We offer shockwave therapy from Storz Medical. Shockwave works by kinetic energy being introduced into the target area inside the patient’s body via a transmitter. The pressure waves produced in this transmitter propagate across large tissue areas to assist with tissue regeneration for the healing of many common tendinopathies.
Electrotherapeutic Modalities
We can provide therapeutic modalities such as electro-acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to compliment the other forms of treatment we offer.
Therapeutic Taping
K-tape, Leukotape and Athletic tape are just a few of the taping options that we use for injury prevention in sport, provide support for joints and tissues, unload painful structures and promote kinesthetic awareness of how your body is moving in space.
Strength + Conditioning
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists are well versed in injury prevention and optimizing physical performance. They are the leading experts in the field of strength training. Get the most out of your body.
SFMA Screening
The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a movement based diagnostic system which systematically can find the cause of pain, not just the source, by logically breaking down dysfunctional movement patterns in a structured, repeatable assessment.
Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) is a comprehensive joint training system based in scientific principles and research. The FRC system of training helps you expand your active usable range of motion so you can control your body.
Golf TPI Assessments
Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) is the world’s leading educational organization dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing. TPI’s mission is to educate golfers and industry professionals on the body-swing connection. To achieve an efficient swing, a golfer must be screened by first assessing the golfer’s swing mechanics, biomechanics, physical fitness and movement quality. The results are used to create a plan for that golfer, which may include fitness training, manual therapy, and coaching of swing mechanics.
Pre + Post Operative Therapy
Research has shown that the better your physical condition is before surgery, the better your post-surgical outcomes may be. The Function101 team of therapists can help you from start to finish, to create and guide you through your own personalized rehabilitation program, answer questions that you may have regarding your surgery, educate you on the anatomy, and give you an idea of what to expect after surgery.
Prenatal and Postpartum Health
Having a happy healthy baby is every parent’s number one priority. It is also important very early on to consider the health of the mom to manage a healthy pregnancy and adequately plan for movement after your baby is born. At Functon101 we can help you identify affected body structures i.e. diastasis rectus abdominus, tendinopathies, sacroiliac joint pain) and develop rehabilitation strategies as your body recovers.
Bone Health + Longevity
We want to help you age gracefully into your golden years so that you can be healthy and active for many years to come. We will customize a safe and manageable exercise program that promotes bone health, strength, balance, and mobility to reduce risk of falls and fractures.
Concussion Management
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that alters the way your brain functions. The injury is at a microscopic level so you typically won’t have any findings on imaging such as MRI. A concussion can happen from a direct or indirect injury to the head in which the head and upper body are jostled. Concussions are common especially in contact sports. The injury needs time and rest to heal properly and majority of concussions with fully resolve within the first week or two of injury. Chiropractors, physiotherapists and massage therapists have a role in the treatment of post-concussion symptoms that are not getting better after the typical timeline and we can help provide guidance regarding safe return to school, work, sport or activity.
Vestibular Therapy
Dizziness can be caused by several different pathologies and usually results in a feeling of unsteadiness, light-headedness, or feeling off-balance. Vertigo is a sensation of the room spinning around you and is most commonly caused by dysfunction of the vestibular system in the inner ear called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). Our physiotherapists are trained in the specific assessment techniques which are required to determine the root cause of your dizziness and effectively perform treatments to alleviate your symptoms and re-train your balance.